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Monday, December 06, 2004

Blogs Languages

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var r = document.sform.r.value;
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document.location.href = "/search?t=1&r=" + r + "&q=" + escape(q);

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if( top.frames.length == 0 ) {
document.write( "" );
if ( top.frames.length == 0 ) {
document.write("My Feeds");
document.write('My Blog');

function setSortOrder( subid, dir )
parent.invfrm.location.href = '/myblogs_setsort?subid='+subid+'&dir='+dir;
function doMarkSubRead( subid, maxread )
function markUnread( subid, maxread )
function doBookmark(siteId,itemId)
alert( "Item Has Been Saved" );
function doRemoveBookmark(siteId,itemId)
function doUnsub(siteid)
ret = confirm( "Unsubscribe From This Blog?");
if( ret == true )
var siteList = new Array();
function SiteInfo( items, dir, iconDir )
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function feedError( errorCode )
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var is_ie5 = (agt.indexOf('msie 5') != -1);
* send a GET behind the scenes to url
function SendRequest(url) {
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XmlHttpGET(xmlhttp, url + "&rand=" + uniqnum_counter);
function CreateXmlHttpReq(handler) {
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xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(control);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = handler;
} catch(e) {
alert("You need to enable active scripting and activeX controls");
} else {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onload = handler;
xmlhttp.onerror = handler;
return xmlhttp;
var uniqnum_counter = (new Date).getTime();
function DummyHandler() { }
function XmlHttpGET(xmlhttp, url) {'GET', url, true);
function doSort( siteid, subid )
var numItems;
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var ele;
var aimg;
var atitle;
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ele = getElById('siteItem.'+siteid+'.'+eleIndex);
ele.innerHTML = tSite[i];
siteList[siteid].dir = 1;
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for( i=0,eleIndex=0; iBloglines New Languages";
itemText+="Today we launched a new internationalized site that allows people to join\x0Aand navigate Bloglines in \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fhelp\x2Flanguages\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3Esix new languages\x3C\x2Fa\x3E.\x0AWe\x27ve noticed since the beginning that our members read blogs, collect feeds\x0Aand track searches in many languages, and we get great feedback from\x0ABloglines fans all over the world. We want Bloglines to be easy for\x0Aeverybody, and part of that is opening the service to the millions of\x0Ainternet users that speak languages other than English. Give it a try and\x0Alet us know what you think.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AWe have also reached the milestone of 200 million articles indexed. It took\x0Aus a year to reach 100 million, and less than 4 months for our blog and news\x0Afeed content index to double. That\x27s amazing in any language.";
itemText+="6 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Wed, Dec 1 2004 10:00 AM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[0] = itemText;
itemText+="Bloglines Firefox Center";
itemText+="It\x27s no surprise that Firefox has been a big hit among bloggers: the\x0Abrowser is free, small, fast, open-source, standards-compliant, supported\x0Aby a large community, and nicely optimized for RSS discovery.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AWith the 1.0 release today, we think it is really going to take off, and\x0Athat\x27s why we\x27re announcing the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fhelp\x2Ffirefox\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines \x0AFirefox Center\x3C\x2Fa\x3E today.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AOver the past few months, we\x27ve watched users steadily switch away from\x0ANetscape and Internet Explorer to Firefox. Back in July, while Firefox was\x0Astill in beta, it had grown to over 5% of our traffic. Today, Firefox\x0Arepresents 20% of requests to Bloglines.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0APerhaps the most exciting aspect of Firefox is its ease of extensibility.\x0AWe regularly hear from developers writing programs on top of the Bloglines\x0AWeb Services and Notifier APIs, but the Firefox extensions are some of the\x0Abest and should really help regular consumers use RSS. To learn more,\x0Avisit our \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fhelp\x2Ffirefox\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EFirefox Center\x3C\x2Fa\x3E and grab a copy of the browser and all the\x0Alatest extensions.";
itemText+="11 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Tue, Nov 9 2004 7:00 AM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[1] = itemText;
itemText+="We have rolled out several updates to Bloglines. There are two new versions \x0Aof the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fabout\x2Fnotifier\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Mozilla Extension\x3C\x2Fa\x3E, an\x0AEnglish version and a Portuguese version, with the following new features:\x0A\x3Cul\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3E\x22Blog this Link\x22 and \x22Blog this Text\x22 options in context menu,\x0Aallowing easy posting to your Bloglines Clip Blog\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EAutomatic updating enabled\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3ECompatible with latest Firefox nightly builds (0.11 or 1.0RC1)\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EUpdated icon and text\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3C\x2Ful\x3E\x0AIn addition to the Mozilla extension, a new Firefox extension called\x0ALiveLines has been developed by Bloglines user Gomyoung Kim.\x0AThe \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fabout\x2Fnotifier\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3Enotifiers page\x3C\x2Fa\x3E has a list of all\x0Athe Bloglines notifiers and browser extensions available.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AThere has been a lot of activity involving the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fservices\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines\x0AWeb Services\x3C\x2Fa\x3E, and we have updated the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fservices\x2Fapi\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3Elist\x0Aof programs\x3C\x2Fa\x3E that use them. Several additional aggregators have\x0Aannounced support for Bloglines. There\x27s a new Bloglines IM notifier, several\x0Aprograms dedicated to Bloglines and podcasting, and a script to download \x0Ayour Bloglines feeds to your iPod.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AFinally, we have updated the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fservices\x2Fapi\x2Fsync\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Web \x0AServices Sync API\x3C\x2Fa\x3E. The \x3Cb\x3Egetitems\x3C\x2Fb\x3E method now supports bulk fetching of\x0Aarticles from all the subscriptions within a folder.";
itemText+="3 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Fri, Nov 5 2004 9:00 AM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[2] = itemText;
itemText+="Forum and Show Only Updated Feeds";
itemText+="Today we launched a \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Feve\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3Eweb forum\x3C\x2Fa\x3E\x0Afor our users to discuss Bloglines, and for developers to discuss the\x0A\x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fservices\x2F\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Web Services\x3C\x2Fa\x3E. We also updated the\x0Alist of \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fservices\x2Fapi\x2F\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3E3rd party tools\x3C\x2Fa\x3E that use the\x0ABloglines Web Services. If you have developed a library or application\x0Athat uses the web services, please announce it in the forum.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AIn addition, we also launched a new feature, \x3Ci\x3EShow Only Updated Feeds\x3C\x2Fi\x3E. \x0AYou can toggle this setting in the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fprofile?mode=3\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EFeed Options\x3C\x2Fa\x3E \x0Apage of your account. When active, only subscriptions that have\x0Aunread articles will be displayed in your My Feeds page. It\x27s a great\x0Away to simplify the My Feeds display.";
itemText+="3 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Mon, Oct 4 2004 11:30 PM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[3] = itemText;
itemText+="Bloglines Web Services";
itemText+="Today we \x3Ca href=\x22\x2Fabout\x2Fpr_09282004\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3Eannounced\x3C\x2Fa\x3E the \x0A\x3Ca href=\x22\x2Fservices\x2F\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3EBloglines\x0AWeb Services\x3C\x2Fa\x3E, a set of functions to access Bloglines data in\x0Aother programs. The services are built on open standards, and make\x0Ait easy to access Bloglines subscription and blog entry data.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AWe also announced that several leading\x0Adesktop aggregators, including \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3EFeedDemon\x3C\x2Fa\x3E, \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3ENetNewsWire\x3C\x2Fa\x3E and \x0A\x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3EBlogBot\x3C\x2Fa\x3E, will be supporting\x0Athe new functions, which will allow their users to synchronize their\x0Adesktop accounts with Bloglines.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0AWe look forward to the many exciting applications that will be built,\x0Aand we will continue to expand the functionality of the Bloglines\x0AWeb Services.";
itemText+="11 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Tue, Sep 28 2004 9:00 AM";
itemText+="Updated: Tue, Sep 28 2004 11:13 AM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[4] = itemText;
itemText+="Keep New and Related Feeds";
itemText+="We rolled out two new features this evening, Keep New and Related Feeds.\x0AWe also rolled out several minor interface changes, designed to make\x0ABloglines easier to use.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0A\x3Ch3\x3EKeep New\x3C\x2Fh3\x3E\x0AWhen reading your feeds, at the bottom of each entry is a checkbox labeled\x0AKeep New. Check it and that entry is marked unread, and will stay that way\x0Auntil you uncheck the box. This is useful for entries that you decide you\x0Adon\x27t have time to read right now, but that you don\x27t want to save in your\x0AClippings folder. You can also use the \x3Cb\x3Emark all new\x3C\x2Fb\x3E link that\x0Aappears at the top of each feed in the right pane when reading subscriptions\x0Ato reset all the currently displayed items to unread.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0A\x3Ch3\x3ERelated Feeds\x3C\x2Fh3\x3E\x0AThroughout the Bloglines site, there is now a \x3Cb\x3Erelated feeds\x3C\x2Fb\x3E link for\x0Aeach feed. We look at all the Bloglines subscribers for a given feed, and\x0Acalculate what other feeds may be related to that feed. This is another \x0Amethod for finding interesting feeds. It complements the \x0A\x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Frecommendations\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Recommendations\x3C\x2Fa\x3E which differ in\x0Athat those are personalized for each user.\x0A\x3Cp\x3E\x0A\x3Ch3\x3ELog In Change\x3C\x2Fh3\x3E\x0AFinally, on a technical note, we changed how user authentication is\x0Adone on the site. All this means to you, our users, is that you\x0Amay have had to to log in again after the site upgrade, even if you were\x0Alogged into the site before.";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Wed, Sep 22 2004 10:00 PM";
itemText+="Updated: Wed, Sep 22 2004 10:09 AM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[5] = itemText;
itemText+="New Mozilla\x2FFirefox Notifier";
itemText+="A new version of the Bloglines notifier for Mozilla and Firefox browsers has\x0Abeen released. The new version is compatible with the latest Firefox\x0Arelease. To download the Mozilla notifier or any of our other notifiers,\x0Asee the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fabout\x2Fnotifier\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Notifiers\x3C\x2Fa\x3E page.";
itemText+="3 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Tue, Sep 21 2004 10:30 PM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[6] = itemText;
itemText+="Interface Updates and a Bloglines IE Extension";
itemText+="We\x27ve rolled out several enhancements to the Bloglines site:\x0A\x3Cul\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EYou can now move a subscription to a different folder from within the\x0A\x27Edit Subscription\x27 dialog\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EClip Blogs now have a calendar, so that older entries can be viewed by date\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EThe \x27tips\x27 have been redone, and you can now easily cycle through various \x0ABloglines features in the right pane of the My Feeds display\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3Cli\x3EThe \x3Ca href=\x22\x2Fsub\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3ESubscribe\x3C\x2Fa\x3E page has been enhanced with shortcuts\x0Athat make it easy to subscribe to Live Journals, Xanga blogs, Google Groups, \x0Aand Yahoo Groups. This page is also accessible through the \x3Cb\x3EAdd\x3C\x2Fb\x3E\x0Alink in the left pane of the My Feeds page.\x3C\x2Fli\x3E\x0A\x3C\x2Ful\x3E\x0AWe\x27re also pleased to announce the release of the Bloglines Internet\x0AExplorer extension. The extension was developed by Bloglines user\x0A\x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fblog\x22 target=_blank class=blines3 title=\x22Link outside of this blog\x22\x3EDan Grigsby\x3C\x2Fa\x3E. For more\x0Ainformation about all of the Bloglines notifiers and browser\x0Aextensions, please see the \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\\x2Fabout\x2Fnotifier\x22 target=_blank class=blines2 title=\x22Link to another page in this blog\x22\x3EBloglines Notifiers\x3C\x2Fa\x3E\x0Apage.";
itemText+="3 References";
itemText+="Keep New: ";
itemText+="Posted on: Sun, Aug 29 2004 10:30 PM";
itemText+="Email This";
itemText+="Clip/Blog This";
itemList[7] = itemText;
siteList[0] = new SiteInfo( itemList, 0, 0 );

edit subscription
mark all new
related feeds
Bloglines News
The Latest News And Updates From Bloglines

8 Items
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Updated Sun, Dec 5 2004 10:35 AM
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[0];
document.write( thisItem );
Bloglines New Languages
Today we launched a new internationalized site that allows people to join and navigate Bloglines in six new languages. We've noticed since the beginning that our members read blogs, collect feeds and track searches in many languages, and we get great feedback from Bloglines fans all over the world. We want Bloglines to be easy for everybody, and part of that is opening the service to the millions of internet users that speak languages other than English. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
We have also reached the milestone of 200 million articles indexed. It took us a year to reach 100 million, and less than 4 months for our blog and news feed content index to double. That's amazing in any language.
6 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Wed, Dec 1 2004 10:00 AM
Email This
Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[1];
document.write( thisItem );
Bloglines Firefox Center
It's no surprise that Firefox has been a big hit among bloggers: the browser is free, small, fast, open-source, standards-compliant, supported by a large community, and nicely optimized for RSS discovery.
With the 1.0 release today, we think it is really going to take off, and that's why we're announcing the Bloglines Firefox Center today.
Over the past few months, we've watched users steadily switch away from Netscape and Internet Explorer to Firefox. Back in July, while Firefox was still in beta, it had grown to over 5% of our traffic. Today, Firefox represents 20% of requests to Bloglines.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of Firefox is its ease of extensibility. We regularly hear from developers writing programs on top of the Bloglines Web Services and Notifier APIs, but the Firefox extensions are some of the best and should really help regular consumers use RSS. To learn more, visit our Firefox Center and grab a copy of the browser and all the latest extensions.
11 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Tue, Nov 9 2004 7:00 AM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[2];
document.write( thisItem );
We have rolled out several updates to Bloglines. There are two new versions of the Bloglines Mozilla Extension, an English version and a Portuguese version, with the following new features:
"Blog this Link" and "Blog this Text" options in context menu, allowing easy posting to your Bloglines Clip Blog
Automatic updating enabled
Compatible with latest Firefox nightly builds (0.11 or 1.0RC1)
Updated icon and text In addition to the Mozilla extension, a new Firefox extension called LiveLines has been developed by Bloglines user Gomyoung Kim. The notifiers page has a list of all the Bloglines notifiers and browser extensions available.
There has been a lot of activity involving the Bloglines Web Services, and we have updated the list of programs that use them. Several additional aggregators have announced support for Bloglines. There's a new Bloglines IM notifier, several programs dedicated to Bloglines and podcasting, and a script to download your Bloglines feeds to your iPod.
Finally, we have updated the Bloglines Web Services Sync API. The getitems method now supports bulk fetching of articles from all the subscriptions within a folder.
3 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Fri, Nov 5 2004 9:00 AM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[3];
document.write( thisItem );
Forum and Show Only Updated Feeds
Today we launched a web forum for our users to discuss Bloglines, and for developers to discuss the Bloglines Web Services. We also updated the list of 3rd party tools that use the Bloglines Web Services. If you have developed a library or application that uses the web services, please announce it in the forum.
In addition, we also launched a new feature, Show Only Updated Feeds. You can toggle this setting in the Feed Options page of your account. When active, only subscriptions that have unread articles will be displayed in your My Feeds page. It's a great way to simplify the My Feeds display.
3 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Mon, Oct 4 2004 11:30 PM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[4];
document.write( thisItem );
Bloglines Web Services
Today we announced the Bloglines Web Services, a set of functions to access Bloglines data in other programs. The services are built on open standards, and make it easy to access Bloglines subscription and blog entry data.
We also announced that several leading desktop aggregators, including FeedDemon, NetNewsWire and BlogBot, will be supporting the new functions, which will allow their users to synchronize their desktop accounts with Bloglines.
We look forward to the many exciting applications that will be built, and we will continue to expand the functionality of the Bloglines Web Services.
11 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Tue, Sep 28 2004 9:00 AM
Updated: Tue, Sep 28 2004 11:13 AM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[5];
document.write( thisItem );
Keep New and Related Feeds
We rolled out two new features this evening, Keep New and Related Feeds. We also rolled out several minor interface changes, designed to make Bloglines easier to use.
Keep NewWhen reading your feeds, at the bottom of each entry is a checkbox labeled Keep New. Check it and that entry is marked unread, and will stay that way until you uncheck the box. This is useful for entries that you decide you don't have time to read right now, but that you don't want to save in your Clippings folder. You can also use the mark all new link that appears at the top of each feed in the right pane when reading subscriptions to reset all the currently displayed items to unread.
Related FeedsThroughout the Bloglines site, there is now a related feeds link for each feed. We look at all the Bloglines subscribers for a given feed, and calculate what other feeds may be related to that feed. This is another method for finding interesting feeds. It complements the Bloglines Recommendations which differ in that those are personalized for each user.
Log In ChangeFinally, on a technical note, we changed how user authentication is done on the site. All this means to you, our users, is that you may have had to to log in again after the site upgrade, even if you were logged into the site before.
Keep New:
Posted on: Wed, Sep 22 2004 10:00 PM
Updated: Wed, Sep 22 2004 10:09 AM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[6];
document.write( thisItem );
New Mozilla/Firefox Notifier
A new version of the Bloglines notifier for Mozilla and Firefox browsers has been released. The new version is compatible with the latest Firefox release. To download the Mozilla notifier or any of our other notifiers, see the Bloglines Notifiers page.
3 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Tue, Sep 21 2004 10:30 PM
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Clip/Blog This
thisSite = siteList[0].items;
thisItem = thisSite[7];
document.write( thisItem );
Interface Updates and a Bloglines IE Extension
We've rolled out several enhancements to the Bloglines site:
You can now move a subscription to a different folder from within the 'Edit Subscription' dialog
Clip Blogs now have a calendar, so that older entries can be viewed by date
The 'tips' have been redone, and you can now easily cycle through various Bloglines features in the right pane of the My Feeds display
The Subscribe page has been enhanced with shortcuts that make it easy to subscribe to Live Journals, Xanga blogs, Google Groups, and Yahoo Groups. This page is also accessible through the Add link in the left pane of the My Feeds page. We're also pleased to announce the release of the Bloglines Internet Explorer extension. The extension was developed by Bloglines user Dan Grigsby. For more information about all of the Bloglines notifiers and browser extensions, please see the Bloglines Notifiers page.
3 References
Keep New:
Posted on: Sun, Aug 29 2004 10:30 PM
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Clip/Blog This

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