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Saturday, December 04, 2004

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Horses -- Origin Of The Morgan Horse from the Cultivator Vol 9 P 33 1842

Barnard, George, Sherbrooke, L.C.,
Oct. 25, 1841

From "The Cultivator", vol. 9, p.33, 1842.


In my communication on this subject, published in the late October number, I have expressed too confident an opinion in saying I believed that the original horse was of French Canadian origin. I have recently had some acquaintance with a Morgan horse, endowed with all the peculiarities of the breed, sufficient to make me forbear any decided opinion on the point in question, until very clear evidence is adduced. The affidavit which I furnished is only probable and not conclusive testimony that the original horse was of Norman French descent, and procured in Montreal.

The horse which has been with me of late is one of those called, from being in-bred, a full blooded Morgan -- an absurd term, for it is impossible that a descendant can inherit full blood from a single progenitor. The term full blood or thorough bred can only be used with propriety where the distinctive appellation is derived from a race or sire which furnished both parents; thus we may say a thorough bred or full blood English race horse, a full blood or thorough bred Alderney cow, if both sire and dam were of the breed or sort designated. The term thorough bred, however, has heretofore been almost exclusively applied to race horses, because for centuries before the present, the racing breed of horses has unfortunately been the only breed of animals highly cultivated, and of which the pedigrees could be proved by written or printed documents.

All the accounts, being not less than half a dozen, which I have heard of the origin of the first Morgan horse, agree in this, that one Justin Morgan of Randolph, Vt., from whom the name was derived, owned the animal while he was yet a colt. Doubtless there live persons who can testify to his origin, whether or not it be such as represented in the late affidavit. The public would not only be gratified, but greatly benefited by such evidence. There had probably never been another stallion whose stock for thirty of forty years have produced so much nett profit to the growers.

I will now endeavor to point out what appear to be the chief points of distinction between the Morgan breed and the horses of Norman French descent, produced in Canada. Let me promise that a great variety of races exists in the Canadian breed, yet all clearly impressed with a certain general character. The broad, courageous looking head, with the ears far apart, thick neck, general stoutness of frame, full breast and strong shoulder, with a round or fleshy croup; the low set muscles and large sinews, with those tough feet, that know not disease, are distinguishing marks of the French Canadian horse. The shagginess of abundance of hair in the mane and tail and on the legs, are much owing to the severity of the climate, with the manner of rearing the animals, and may be expected in a great measure to disappear under good cultivation, long before the innate excellencies and peculiarities will perceptibly change.

The Morgan horse does not partake of all these marks in common with the Canadian. The clear and deep toned bay color, too, which prevails in the Morgan, is rare among Canadian horses. It occurs in individuals; but, unless characteristic of the race for a long period of time, it could hardly be supposed that this color would so generally occur as it does in the Morgan horses of the present day. Peculiarities produced by a single cross are apt to wear away in a few generations, unless maintained by careful selection on the part of the breeder. If, then, (supposing the Morgan horse to have come from Canada.) his color was an accidental variety, it would not have so generally marked his numerous offspring, unless great pains were taken to preserve it by selection, which has not been the case. It appears evident, from the prevalence of this color through several successive generations, as well as the similar descent of various qualities, which are authenticated as having belonged to the first known sire, that the Morgan horse, whatever may have been its origin, was of one pure stock; that is, that he was not cross bred, or produced by the union of two different breeds; for in that case, there must have been a greater variety in his progeny, some running to one family and some to the other, whereas a remarkable similarity is known to prevail in all of this race. And here we may notice that the breeder is apt to find an essential difference in the two races: the Morgan, crossed or mixed with the various common breeds, inclines to retain its peculiar characteristics and its small size in the offspring for many generations, while all the French Canadian races, though not larger for the most part the Morgan, when used as a cross, increase the size of the progeny, and frequently assimilate so that the blood can only be recognized by a practiced observer, in the greater development and robustness of form, and the courage, spirit, and aptness to thrive, which are commonly reckoned as constitutional health.

The Morgan differ essentially from the Canadian horses in their action or mode of traveling. A Morgan horse glides over the ground eight or nine miles an hour, with such easy movements of his legs, that one would think they only felt relieved when so employed; the Canadian, if he has speed, seems to go by main strength, every stride arising plainly from a purposed exertion of his powerful muscles.

Another principal dissimilarity is in the endurance of the feet; and here the Canadian horse has all the advantage. The Morgan appears to be subject, as much as equally strong constitutioned horses of any breed, to founder and other diseases of the feet, while with the Canadian such ailments are less known, perhaps, than with any other breed in the world. There are numbers of horses in Canada that, under a mass of shaggy hair, possess dry, sinewy legs, on which the severest service never raises a wind-gall. The legs of the Morgan, though destitute of long hair, have this excellent conformation in a very high degree.

The Morgan is a great traveler, an untiring all-day horse, but seldom a very fast trotter or galloper, and less frequently a perfect saddle horse. The Canadian, if he has the power of rapid locomotion, inclines for the most part to put forth his energies only for a short time, and then to take a leisurely gait, as if a slight sense of fatigue overbalanced the alacrity of his nervous system. There are, however, splendid exceptions to this description, horses that, with no light load behind them, will travel eighty and even ninety miles in a day. Some of the lighter footed Canadian horses, too, are very pleasant under the saddle, though in general the weight of the neck and uprightness of the shoulder disqualify them for this use. The head of the Morgan, though not less energetic, is somewhat dissimilar to that of the Canadian. The ears of one are upright, of the other more apart. The head of the Canadian horse is broader at the upper part than that of the other. Each has a great breadth between the eyes, which is considered a sure indication of energy in an animal. The Morgan has the best open nostril for wind and bottom, more like that of the race horse; and the whole of the muzzle, as well as the eye and ear, indicate more breeding, or a longer period of cultivation, than those of the Canadian. There is a difference of shape observable throughout the whole figure. The Morgan is long in the side, but always short on the back, and strong and beautiful in the loins. His fine shoulder, too, differs from that of the Canadian horse. It is deep, well sloped, comparatively thin at the top and heavy at the bottom, serving, conjointly with a wide chest and the fore legs set far apart, to give the horse an appearance of strength and endurance scarcely to be looked for in one of his spirit and fleetness.

The high crested neck and thick, wavy tail of the Morgan, show much of the character of some races of the Canadian.

Whether the Morgan be a scion of the Canadian stock, or be derived from the Dutch or some other breed which has disappeared in the United States, appears to be a question of some importance to those who would make good selections in order to improve the breed of horses; and whoever can throw any light upon the subject will gratify a large portion of your readers by making known his information through the Cultivator. If the French Canadian did not supply the Morgan, I, for one, should bee glad to learn what other breed has ever been known upon this continent that could boast such excellent qualities for common service as are universally admitted to distinguish both of these breeds.

George Barnard
Sherbrooke, L.C., Oct. 25, 1841.
(This article is from "The Cultivator", vol. 9, p.33, 1842.)

HIghpoint Results

I asked for a followup on MHCWS's Banguet and High Point awards, and Marcia Shahon sent me this article. Congratulations to the new officers and the high point winners!

Morgan Horse Club of WA State
Annual Banquet, November 21, 2004
The Annual Banquet was held at the Hawthorn Inn in Arlington. When we arrived at 6pm there were already many members there going through the items for the silent auction and marking their choices.
There were 109 members at the banquet this year which is more than we have had in attendance for the past several years. A big thanks to Chris Laine for her efforts in putting the evening together. Sherri Spoltman was responsible for the Club awards and Michelle Haws for the Open Competition Awards. They did a splendid job. Instead of a small keeper plaque Sherri presented each first place winner with a bridle bag and the Adult Amateur winner received a garment bag. Each was embroidered with the club’s name. This was a nice touch and a good change.
The members had a lot of fun and there were quite a few new faces. The silent auction items were very diverse – there were horse items, riding lesson certificates, airplane ride, a day ride on a motorcycle, weekend on a sailboat, equine art, a bronze horse and child, and many other really nice items.
I think one of the highlights of the evening was the live auction. Jay Goss was the auctioneer. It was delightful seeing him in a different setting and not with camera in hand. It was fun and the audience responded well. Both Jennifer and Whitney Hazen assisted and were helpful and entertaining.
Lauri Huston and her committee Lynn Coe and Renee Cairns deserve a big thank you for organizing the silent auction and for being responsible for the successful addition of the auctioneer. The auction brought in $3,623 for the Futurity.
Mike Huston stood up to his new task as President and presided over the meeting with confidence and humor. He took us through a short business meeting which included a report from the treasurer. It was reported as follows:
Checking - $4,255.46; Savings $1,950.85; Horse Show Reserve CD - $13,341.06
Leo Beckley Endowment CD – $11,948.32.
It was announced that the Key Classic had brought a check for the Club in the amount of $4,720.42. Equest Special Rider’s received $ 7,080.63. Congratulations to the Key Classic Show Committee for the very successful show. This is an example of why new volunteers are so important. They come with new ideas and are willing to take on the tasks to make them happen.
Mike turned the meeting over to Bob Clubine, Past President, to conduct the election of Officers and Board of Directors: The results are as follows:
President Mike Huston
Vice President Jim Spoltman
Secretary Melissa Brown
Treasurer Marcia Shahon
New Board of Directors Sandy Nichols
Lori Crawford
The meeting move to the presentation of High Point Awards.
Michelle Haws announced the winners for the Open Show High Points and presented the winners with $25 gift certificates from Tack Room Too.
Western Pleasure Sondra Edwards
Western Equitation 17 & Under Sondra Edwards
Western Equitation 18 & Over Jean Barnes
Hunt/English Pleasure Tracy Moore
Hunt/English Equitation 17 & Under Sondra Edwards
Hunt/English Equitation 18 & Over Tracy Moore
Showmanship Sondra Edwards
Halter Sondra Edwards
Sherri and Jim Spoltman presented the MHCWS High Point Awards.
Jr Exhibitor, Western Pleasure, sponsored by Ensbrook Farm
1st Jessica Geissinger SMS Annalark
2nd Whitney Hazen Winsation’s Bojangies
Jr Exhibitor, English Pleasure, sponsored by Cedar Acres Farm
1st Tara O’Heren Ensbrook Vision
Jr Exhibitor, Hunt Seat, sponsored by Cedar Bridge Acres
1st Whitney Hazen BMF Take Down the Flag
2nd Jessica Geissinger SMS Annalark
Jr. Exhibitor, Driving, sponsored by Figurehead Morgans
1st Whitney Hazen Stormin’ Norman
2nd Anna McLallin Marathon’s Electrafire
1st Anna McLallin Winsation’s Bojangies
2nd Suzanne Cairns PJM Mercedes
Stallions in Hand, sponsored by Tawncrest Morgans
1st Amigo Haute Shot Bob & Sonda Clubine
Mares in Hand, sponsored by Triflik Morgans
1st QVM Jestine Mike & Lauri Huston
2nd Ms Dinah Might Mike & Lauri Huston
Geldings in Hand, sponsored by Camano Morgans
1st HVK March Flaire Jacqueline Clapp
2nd Firecrest Alef Robyn Kelley
English Pleasure, sponsored by Beckridge Farm
1st Ms Dinah Might Mike & Lauri Huston
2nd Drakken Arianna Bendokas
Pleasure Driving, sponsored by Dianne Wehr
1st HVK March Flair Jacqueline Clapp
2nd Shaker’s Pedro Jennifer Hazen
Classic Pleasure Saddle, sponsored by Karen & Ralph Munro
1st Rum Brook Immortal Prince Robert & Shelley Bullard
2nd Chain Reaction Tracy Moore
Classic Pleasure Driving, sponsored by Karen & Ralph Munro
1st Rum Brook Immortal Prince Robert & Shelley Bullard
2nd Sharker’s Pedro Jennifer Hazen
Hunter Pleasure, sponsored by Skyhawk Morgans
1st Woodbourne Ingénue Sally Cadranell & Sue Wagner
2nd Roseridge Barrister Jim & Sherri Spoltman
Dressage, sponsored by Aldergrove Farm
1st Firecrest Alef Robyn Kelley
2nd Rogue Hill’s Chablis Emily Thorpe
Junior Horse Saddle, sponsored by Southern Cross Stables
1st Mirador Maro Polo Lori & Bill Crawford
2nd QV Jestine Mike & Lauri Huston
Western Pleasure, sponsored by Amigo Morgans
1st Intimidator Emily Thorpe
2nd Dextrous Super Supreme Chris Laine
Working Morgan, sponsored by Jerry Blake Stables
1st Sea Cloud Safari Catherine Cloud
2nd Northwest Barrister Robert & Shelley Bullard
Adult Amateur, sponsored by Marcia & Leo Shahon
Lauri Huston
Gladys Koehne Inspirational Youth Award
Jennifer Hazen
Washington State Horsemen MHCWS Perpetual High Point
Jessica Geissinger for both 2003 and 2004
Patty Lebon – Lifetime Membership
The events for a very successful evening were over. Thanks to all who helped put the evening together. I am sure the other members enjoyed it as much as I did. It is always good to be able to see your Morgan friends in an atmosphere where you can just visit and have a good time.
By Marcia Shahon

Pluck Help Center

Pluck Help Center

Happy trail riding & camping!

Horse Trails and Campgrounds Directory - Horse Trail Riding and Camping
Horse Trails and Campgrounds Directory - Horse Trail Riding and Camping

Gaits Of Gold

The #1 Gaited horse site on the web! Gaited Horse Links- Gaits of Gold, Inc.
The #1 Gaited horse site on the web! Gaited Horse Links- Gaits of Gold, Inc.: " Related Links We are in the process of creating a new Related Links page. If you would like to be considered for a link to this site, SUBMIT YOUR LINK BELOW! Sites must meet the following criteria to be accepted as a link to this site --web sites must be clean, neat, and easy to navigate with no pop up ads --web site must pertain to naturally gaited horses, services, or products --reciprocal links must be made within 3 business days upon approval Gaited Horse Farms: West Wind Ranch- Paso Fino Horses for Show, Pleasure and Trail Pleasure Gait Farms- Foxtrotters & Spotted Saddle Horses. Missourri Fox Trotter Connection Gaited Horse Information Sites: Misc. Gaited Horse Sites: - A messageboard site where gaited horse trail riders meet and tell stories! Free Gaited Horse Classified Ads Horse Trail Directory- Descriptions and ratings of horse trails and horse campgrounds in North America, which have been submitted by trail riders. Pleasure Saddle Horse Registry - The Pleasure Saddle Horse Registry was formed to give gaited horse breeders an opportunity to crossbreed different breeds of gaited horses. The Registry validates and records the offspring from these matings with a permanent record and registration papers. Submit Your Link! All Fields required! short description All rights reserved 2004 Gaits of Gold Inc. HomeAbout UsCurrent NewsShoppingArticlesClinic InfoClassifiedsContactSign our GuestbookOur PhilosophyAbout Brenda ImusCurrent NewsletterCurrent ArticleCurrent Training faqCurrent Horse-pirationalGaited Horse ForumWeekly Polls and SurveysStore MapSaddlesRiding Gear"

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Open Directory - Sports: Equestrian: Handicapped and Therapeutic Riding

Open Directory - Sports: Equestrian: Handicapped and Therapeutic Riding: "Equestrian Sport for People with Disabilities - Featuring Paralympic Dressage and World Championship Carriage Driving. Includes chat room, message board, video clips, news and results.
EquiSearch - Therapeutic Riding - Find news and an archive of articles describing the benefits of the activity. Also includes links to related sites.
Hippo Campus - Institute for Equitherapy and Equine Sport Psychology in the Netherlands. Includes an article on the horse as equine intermediary during the healing process in psycho-motor therapeutic vaulting (PMTV), photos, and contact information. Also available in German and Dutch.
Riding for Disabled Association (NSW) Australia - The objectives of the association are to encourage, support and assist Centres to provide riding therapy, sport, recreation, training and safety programs for people with disabilities. Details of management, funding, regional centres and training included.
Riding for the Disabled Association of Hong Kong - A charity organization which teaches disabled adults and children to ride a horse to the best of their ability for therapy and fun.
Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore - Provides free therapeutic horse riding lessons for the disabled - physical and mental disabilities. Volunteer opportunies available.
Self-Realization - Combining horseback riding with the Feldenkrais method of movement results in greater physical awareness, and improved personal and inter-personal functioning. Tsfon Harei-Yehuda, Israel.
The Therapeutic Riding Center of Israel - Find information on activities, donations and horses for this program in Tel Mond, Israel. In English and Hebrew. "

Open Directory - Sports: Equestrian: Breeds: Morgan: Breeders: North America: United States

Open Directory - Sports: Equestrian: Breeds: Morgan: Breeders: North America: United States: "Aljak Acres Morgan Horses - Breeding and sales of Morgan horses. Information and photographs. Grass Lake, Michigan.
Ancan Morgans - Offering stallion services, sales list, photos, and related links. Located in Michigan.
AuSable Classic Morgans - Breeding Morgans for show, sport or pleasure using Jubilee King, Flyhawk and Old Vermont bloodlines. Located in Hermosa, South Dakota. 20 minutes from Mt. Rushmore.
Bar None Morgan Ranch - Raising colored Morgan horses with old-style bloodline. Ranch history, stock profiles, photographs, sales, and Dun gene information. Thermopolis, Wyoming.
Bessia Morgans - Home to International Cowhorse champion stallion, Sharthunder. Pedigrees, photographs, achievements, and sales. Dell, Montana.
Black Horse Farm - Raising and breeding black Lambert Morgans. Stallion service information, and phtographs. Located in West Virginia.
Black Willow Morgans - Full service training and breeding facility offering western, saddle seat, and driving. Registered Morgan horses for sale. Upstate New York Catskill Mountain region.
Blythewood Farm Morgans - Standing Blythewood Vermont Legend. Details of show team and stock for sale. Also offer boarding. Stockton, New Jersey.
Bossert Ranch - Western working horse ranch featuring the American Morgan horse. Stud service, broodmares, history of the ranch, and related links. Located in Raymond, California.
Broadmoor - Features stallion information, horses for sale, news, and trainer biographies. Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
Brookstone Morgan Farm - Offers mare and foal photos and pedigrees, plus a sales list. Located in Vestal, New York.
BuckSnort Morgans - Breeding western working,"

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Theme Merchandise

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Theme Merchandise: "Animals in Art - Giftware depicting 18th and 19th century art. Items include compact mirrors, memo pads, totes, photo albums, fob watches, various boxes and serving trays.
The Antique Horse Company - Offers a variety of harness tack items, horse paintings, horse bells, peerage brass, limoges, murano glass, decanters, ceramic nickel rosettes and horse prints.
Ashley's - Featuring a collection of fine jewelry, gifts, crystal and home accessories.
Ben's Custom Tack - Handcrafted miniature saddles and bridles for Breyer and Stone model horses.
The Black Horse - Home accents, gifts, coffee mugs, childrens apparel, stationary. Also supplies, care products and tack.
BWRART.Com - Hand sculpted jewelry, belts and buckles by Americanc artist Betty W. Reutenik.
Color of Horses - Site offers wearable art, trading cards, videos, games, craft kits, treats, candles, coloring books, stencils, painted jewelry and cigar box purses.
Cut Above - Offers jewelry like rings, bracelets, pendants, and earrings.
Dotti and Company - Selection of gifts that include bracelets, earrings, brooches, ties, handbags, costume jewelry, scarves and slates.
Drill Fever - Sells drill team themed calendars and T-shirts. Custom orders available.
E - Horse Lover Gifts - Retails furniture, stationary, model horses, home decor and apparel.
Ehorsegifts - Items on offer include t-shirts, bone china, sunshades, children's coloring books, plush, video games and sculptured candles.
Equestrian Visions - Retails a selection of clothing, quilts, jewelry, purses and scarves.
Equine Antiques and Collectibles - Offers a selection of antiques and collectibles as well as a variety of gifts.

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Theme Merchandise

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Theme Merchandise: "Animals in Art - Giftware depicting 18th and 19th century art. Items include compact mirrors, memo pads, totes, photo albums, fob watches, various boxes and serving trays.
The Antique Horse Company - Offers a variety of harness tack items, horse paintings, horse bells, peerage brass, limoges, murano glass, decanters, ceramic nickel rosettes and horse prints.
Ashley's - Featuring a collection of fine jewelry, gifts, crystal and home accessories.
Ben's Custom Tack - Handcrafted miniature saddles and bridles for Breyer and Stone model horses.
The Black Horse - Home accents, gifts, coffee mugs, childrens apparel, stationary. Also supplies, care products and tack.
BWRART.Com - Hand sculpted jewelry, belts and buckles by Americanc artist Betty W. Reutenik.
Color of Horses - Site offers wearable art, trading cards, videos, games, craft kits, treats, candles, coloring books, stencils, painted jewelry and cigar box purses.
Cut Above - Offers jewelry like rings, bracelets, pendants, and earrings.
Dotti and Company - Selection of gifts that include bracelets, earrings, brooches, ties, handbags, costume jewelry, scarves and slates.
Drill Fever - Sells drill team themed calendars and T-shirts. Custom orders available.
E - Horse Lover Gifts - Retails furniture, stationary, model horses, home decor and apparel.
Ehorsegifts - Items on offer include t-shirts, bone china, sunshades, children's coloring books, plush, video games and sculptured candles.
Equestrian Visions - Retails a selection of clothing, quilts, jewelry, purses and scarves.
Equine Antiques and Collectibles - Offers a selection of antiques and collectibles as well as a variety of gifts.

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Tack

Open Directory - Shopping: Sports: Equestrian: Tack: "Acclaim Tack - Offering a wide range of brand-name horse tack including English and Western products. Prices are in Canadian dollars and shipping is free.
All Around Show Clothing - Offering tack, products and clothing to the English and Western equestrian. Competitive prices.
Allen's Pony Express - Specializes in pony, POA, miniature and youth equipment. Also sells saddles, tack, blankets, halters and harnesses.
Apple Saddlery of Canada - Saddles, Western accessories, apparel and grooming supplies.
Arabian Fancy - Halters, breastpieces and saddle sets for Arabians.
Arcola Feed - Top brands of Western and English tack and clothing including Western show clothing.
The Australian Stock Saddle Company - Selling Australian saddles, tack and accessories.
The Bit Bank - Saddles, bridles, girths, spurs, and training aids. Located in the UK.
Bit N Bridle Tack Shop - English and Western tack, saddles and apparel along with gifts, jewelry, and Breyer horses.
Bit N Spur Tack - English and Western tack and saddle store. Also sells jewelry and home decor items.
Bits and Bridles - Equestrian equipment forum. Horse tack and equipment classified ads, equipment reviews, and tack resources.
Bits n Spurs - Offers a selection of English and Western bits, spurs and stirrups.
Boolacoc - Featuring saddles, bridles, blankets, equestrian clothing and accessories.
Buford Saddle and Tack Company - Extensive collection of saddles of all types with representative models featured. Contains a chat room for inquiries.
Casa Dosa Paso Fino Tack - Sells breed specific tack. Includes breed news feeds.
CB Stables English & Western Tack - English and Western tack and supplies at discount prices.
Charlotte's Saddlery - Saddlery business sel"

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Eye of the Storm Equine Rescue, Massachusetts, New England Horse Rescue

Eye of the Storm Equine Rescue, Massachusetts, New England Horse Rescue: "

Eye of the Storm Equine Rescue News

November 2004 Horse Tails - a new rescue horse that needs fattening up!

Recent photos of the rescue horses, including our new miniature horse

June 2004 - Horse Tales

April 2004 - Horse Tales - Parelli Seminar; Horses Needing Homes

February 2004 Horse Tales - March 20 Folk Rock Concert & Frequently-asked Questions about the Equine Cushings Cure

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Eye of the Storm is a Massachusetts equine rescue center dedicated to saving the lives of horses who have been abused, neglected or abandoned. More...
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Memorialize Your Horse or Loved One
Eye of the Storm is now offering to memorialize your deceased horse, animal, or loved one with a tasteful, personalized web page on this site. Click here for details.
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Equilite - great herbal products
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Kansas State: Titers-for rabies
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Homeopathic Meds: Arrowroot Standard Direct
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Draw: Advanced Biological Concepts
Phone: 800-373-5971
TheraFlex Pads: Texas Farrier Supply
Phone: 800-777-2725
Bach Flower Remedies: Flower Essence Society
Phone: 800-548-0075
Transfer Factors: Thorne Research
Phone: 800-228-1966
Fast Track Powder or Paste: Conklin (ID Number 34643940)
Phone: 800-756-2475
Noni Juice: (ID Number 1360218)
Phone: 800-445-2969
Super Blue Green Algae: Cell Tech (ID Number 304542)
Phone: 800-800-1300
Formula 11: Contact Candace Hoke
Phone: 979-826-8636
Herbs: Crane Herb Company
Phone: 800-227-4118
For Co-Enzyme Q10
There are three resources for the Q10:
1. We can ship you the Comal Q10 from Nutramax Labs. Cost is $75.00 + shipping for 180 capsules. Call our office to order.

Holistic Horsekeeping - Natural Horse Health, Opportunities for Humans with Cell Tech TM, from Online Veterinarian Dr. Madalyn Ward, DVM

Holistic Horsekeeping - Natural Horse Health, Opportunities for Humans with Cell Tech TM, from Online Veterinarian Dr. Madalyn Ward, DVM

Equine E-Tips

Equine E-Tips: "
KEEP horses Working for Kentucky
Kentucky - The American Saddlebred Horse Association has joined forces with the Kentucky Equine Education Project (KEEP) and have added Misdee Wrigley as a board member to the organization. Also members Hoppy Bennett from Shelby County and Joan Hamilton from Washington County have been selected as team leaders in their respective counties.
13,000 Horses Placed Through Stewardship Program
Kentucky - For more than 60 years, the connection between horses and women's health has led to the development and manufacture of a medication for women seeking relief from their menopausal symptoms. Throughout the years, equine ranchers in Canada and North Dakota have collected pregnant mares' urine (PMU) from which estrogens are extracted to manufacture this important therapy for millions of postmenopausal women.
Horses Once Trained for War Now Prance in Spectacular Steps for Island Public
Massachusetts - With a bent knee swagger earned from decades of riding horses, Col. Ottomar Herrmann stepped to the center of an outdoor ring at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury and mesmerized the crowd. With a thick Austrian accent, Colonel Herrmann welcomed the hundreds of Islanders who flocked to the grounds of the agricultural society to witness the rare breed of Lipizzan stallions perform dressage.
Prisoners learn new skills with retired horses
South Carolina - Hank Currence will spend the next 10 years in prison, but a new program at Wateree River Correctional Institution in Rembert gives him hope for a better life when he gets out.
Lynn farmers upset over $500 horse permit
Pennsylvania - Lynn Township's announcement in the summer that it plans to enforce a 13-year-old ordinance requiring horse farmers to apply for special exception permits has prodded only one farmer to comply, township officials s"

Equine E-Tips

Equine E-Tips

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NPR : U.N.: HIV Infections Hit Record High in 2003

NPR : U.N.: HIV Infections Hit Record High in 2003: "Skip Navigation

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U.N.: HIV Infections Hit Record High in 2003

Web Extra: The U.N.'s Peter Piot discusses how women are increasingly affected by AIDS.
Morning Edition, July 6, 2004 � Roughly 5 million people became infected with HIV in 2003, more than in any previous year. A United Nations study concludes that AIDS appears to be an increasingly global epidemic, currently spreading rapidly in Eastern Europe and Asia. Hear NPR's Steve Inskeep and Dr. Peter Piot of the U.N. AIDS Program.

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NPR: AIDS 2004: Pandemic Remains Unchecked

NPR: AIDS 2004: Pandemic Remains Unchecked: "Skip Navigation

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AIDS 2004

� Reuters Changing Face of AIDS
More than 17,000 policy makers, researchers and activists gather in Bangkok for the 15th annual global AIDS meeting. Headlining: Asia confronts a rapidly growing epidemic, and women and children are increasingly at risk. Explore NPR coverage. Left, the U.N.'s Kofi Annan talks with HIV-infected children in Bangkok.

U.S. Efforts Criticized as Conference Concludes
July 17, 2004 � The 15th International AIDS Conference comes to a close in Thailand. A U.S. plan to spend $15 billion on emergency measures is criticized over details, and divisions were evident at the gathering despite calls for unity. NPR's Richard Knox reports.
Tradition As An Impediment to HIV Prevention
July 16, 2004 � The powerlessness of women is partly behind the spread of AIDS in some parts of India. Women are being sold into sex slavery in Mumbai, and rural women contract HIV when their husbands return after months as migrant workers. Brenda Wilson talks with Suniti Solomon, who is at the forefront of treatment efforts, and other women about their status and how it makes them vulnerable to HIV.
Testing Fears
July 15, 2004 � With little hope of treatment"

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Join our super fun Chat group for people who simply love Morgan Horses. ilovemorgans.... where LOVE meets ACTION! Pictured here is Kerry Freedom a gorgeous stallion available for purchase. Freedom is owned by the great list member Kerry Morgans! Please visit the new today and enjoy the classic beauty of Morgan Horses. It's all about Morgans there's info on ilovemorgans (ilm)! Make new positive minded friends! Here's what they are saying about our group: 'This is the best list for helpfulness, kindness, honesty, support, family enviroment and just plain positive good energy along with shakers and movers of the Morgan breed.' There's stimulating people and a distinct 'community' here. We range from Top Breeders to beginners which ultimately created a culture that brings perspective on many Morgan topics. Lively, intelligent and fun describe us well. We respect other's opinions and can discuss topics openly. Members are proud to have co-created this. **HIGH EMAIL VOLUME!** Up to 1,500 messages per month! Daily Digest setting will control the volume of incoming mail. Post Morgan Experiences, anything you need to share, sales horses, acquisitions, services and your thoughts. Express yourself and have some fun. Join today!

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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

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Morgan Horses - Bringing Lovers of the Morgan Horse breed together

Morgan Horses - Bringing Lovers of the Morgan Horse breed together: "Submitted By: Lorna Edge -
I am writing to let people know that after a few years away from the busy horse scene, my friend Trudie Northcott (Former breeder, trainer, owner-rider of the great Morgan stallion BEAUX HEIR (now deceased) is back in the saddle again. Her connection to the Morgan Horse world was interrupted briefly, but she is now keen to start where she left off. Everyone who knows Trudie will remember how quiet she is about her successes and to this day she is still the same, so I thought I'd let the Morgan World know that she is available for lessons and training. She is currently at Highcrest Farm in Aldergrove, B.C. and she thinks nobody will remember her and I want to prove her wrong. I wonder if you could help me get this out to the Morgan Lovers?
Trudie's numbers are:
Day, evening & message 604-607-1189
Highcrest Farm 604-856-3017


Sunday, November 28, 2004



Traveling with Horses

From: "Silver Meadow Morgans" <> Date: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:21 am Subject: Re: [ilovemorgans] a place to overnight a mare near Chicago?

I'm a: WomanMan
Seeking a: ManWoman
Age: to
City or ZIP:
When I was looking for layover stop for Ladybug, I came across these different websites:

Hope you find them useful.

Crystal SokolowskiSilver Meadow MorgansLa Center,

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