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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What's a Blog Anyways?

Weblogs, or blogs, are a way of publishing to the web one idea at a time. By simplifying the process of publishing, letting authors create posts easily, and making it simple to link to related ideas on the web, blogs make it easy to update a website while still making sure your words retain a clear, personal voice.
The simplicity and immediacy of weblogs has made them extremely popular in a very short period of time, and they're being used today by everyone from media outlets wanting to spread their message to ordinary citizens wanting to keep in touch with friends and family around the world.
As the weblog medium has evolved, it's become evident that the collective posts which make up the millions of existing weblogs, along with the links that they provide to each other and to other relevant content on the web, represent an important new outlet for expression and communication. Best of all, it's easy for anyone with basic internet skills to create a blog or to add one to an existing site

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