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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "From: Velvet (
Subject: Re: Old-style Morgans (where to find them, is there a foundation registry)
View: Complete Thread (15 articles)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 2002-11-13 06:35:39 PST

Jacqueline -

I have some good links: This site talks about the lines of old
government, brunk, lippit, western working (for example names that start
with 'Lippitt', or lines that include Senator Graham, Jubilee King,
Bennington,Upway Ben Don, Ulysses, Applevale Storm King, Kingston, Warhawk,
Mansfield). It lists how the lines came to be, and what famous Morgans are
from those lines.

If you're looking for the old type Morgans, I would stay away from 'show'
lines such as Noble Flaire, Wham Bam Command, Noble Command,any that start
with UVM - such as UVM Promise, Waseeka's in Command, ones that start with
HVK - such as HVK Bell Flaire. Some people will argue that Wham Bam Command
was half Saddlebred. If you look at the Morgans nowadays, the Saddlebred
look wins - which is very sad. I too like the old style Morgans the best.
The old style Morgans are stocky, with thick necks and calm eyes. The
'show' Morgans are very refined, with long thin necks, big 'buggy' eyes, and
very hot temper. Every time I look at the show Morgans in the Morgan Horse
magazine, it makes me very sad to see what happened to the breed.
Fortunately, there are some breeders who still focus on the old type
Morgans. This site include"

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