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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 49
Subject: Re: any MORGANS out there?
View: Complete Thread (5 articles)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1993-08-02 09:12:11 PST

>Well All I see is Arabians out there in NET-Land. I raise and breed Morgans
>and fell that they are a wonderful horse. I do mountain riding (rocky and
>very hilly). I have a Quarter horse mare and I also had a Standard Bred. All
>nice horses but did not hold up in the mountains. I must say that I breed the
>OLD STYLE Morgans. Short, Stalky and very, very strong!
>Just wanted to add my two cents. And I will also get my fire suit ready.
>Dave Bond
>Mountain View Farm
>Preserving the Morgan heritage!

Hello Dave,

Well, I've been off the net for a few days, so haven't seen whatever replies
you might have received. There are quite a few of us who have and love
Morgans. ;-) Personally I have a mare and her 2 years old son. Of that same
type you describe. I do not show, more interested in trail riding so often
the participation here on my part is reading the interesting bits. We have
had a few discussions on Morgans in the past though. Haven't really seen
any flames. I think the Morgan folks here have resigned themselves to the
fact that there are at least two varieties of Morgans and both types are
fine for the folks who like that type.

Tell us about your horses. ;-)

Diane K. and

Chualar Springtime (Waseeka Peter Piper X Chualar Valentine), 15 YO. &
DMK Fancy Dancer "

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