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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "From: Ruth Vale (
Subject: Canadian horses (was Morgans)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1991-05-26 04:04:47 PST

In Message-ID: <> Barbara Roy writes:

In article <>, (Ruth Vale) writes...
>Sport and family morgans are very much in demand in Canada and are apparently
>more popular than the show/halter types right now, or so I've been told.
>There is also a breed registry for part morgans with Arab, TB
>and Canadian (now there's a great breed!) crosses being the most popular.
Is this a new breed of horse. I've never heard of a 'Canadian' horse. I'd
be interested in learning more about it.


Canadians are actually an old breed, descendents of the horses brought
to New France ca. 1600s and used by the habitant (tenant farmers
and servants) population in the seigneuries along the St. Lawrence
river. They are very tough horses. They come in two types,
like Morgans, and have a versatile set of usages from riding to draft.

Like Morgans, Canadians very nearly were lost when mechanized farming
and autos were so popular, but the local breed associations have done
a wonderful job of restoring the blood lines. The smaller Canadians
are 14-15hh, tend to be finer and are used for riding and driving purposes.
The larger Canadians are built heavier and tend to be 15-16hh or better
with very solid bodies, great legs and wonderful draft-type temperaments.

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