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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 44
From: Diana York/Hawk Meadow Morgans (
Subject: Re: old-type Morgans
View: Complete Thread (3 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1997/03/02

Mystical Moon wrote:

>Hey, is there anyone out there who's familiar with the old type Morgans.
>Yes, I mean the 14 hand, Justin Morgan types. I fancy Morgans anyways,
>but tend toward the old-types. If there's contacts out there, go ahead
>and e-mail me.

Yes - there are! Many of us actually! I have 6 Morgans and one is a
14 hand black Morgan mare that is IMO the epitome of Morgan type. She
is a multi champion carriage driving horse also. My breeding program
is basically Funquest (Brunk/Flyhawk/Midwest/old Government) .

There are many Morgan sites on the Web and a Morgan Mailing List and
Morgan Chat Room. Check out my web page for links to all these sites.
Hope to hear from you and would love to have you visit - not sure
where you are located!

~~~Hawk Meadow Morgan Sport Horses ~~~
Home of Funquest Black Hawk
Hawk Meadow Morgans:
The Funquest Club:"

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