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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 28
From: John D'Addamio (
Subject: Why no white in Morgans?
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1993-05-18 16:46:16 PST

I was asked off-line about the origin of the so-called 'white' rule in
Morgans. I'll paraphrase the rule and say that it prevents registration of
a horse which has NATURAL white above the knees(or hocks) excluding the head.
Horses which have had part of their coat turn white due to injury or disease
can be registered.

Since I no longer breed Morgans, I don't have a copy of the registration
rules anymore but, as I remember the rules, they also preclude registration
of blue-eyed horses. If there are any Morgan breeders out there who are
breeding for colors like palomino/buckskin, beware. If you breed 2
palomino/buckskin horses together, about 1 in 4 foals will be cremello or
perlino. While I think cremello and perlino are legitimate colors for
registration, such horses frequently have blue eyes which would preclude
their registration.

In case anybody is wondering, the dilution gene which turns bay into buckskin
and chestnut into palomino has been around in Morgans since the very
beginning! One of the grandsons of the foundation stallion was buckskin.
That was the Wheeler Horse aka the Buckskin Wheeler Horse. He was a son of
Revenge, one of Figure's less prominent sons. Although many buckskin/palomino
Morgans trace to this horse, he's not the only source of the gene.

The white rule was put into effect in 1962 because of 2 horses. These horses

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