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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 30
From: Jim & Laura Behning (
Subject: Re: American Warmbloods/Morgans/Saddlebreds
View: Complete Thread (2 articles)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1998/11/05 wrote:

>In article <>,
>> wrote:
>>> BlueIris wrote:
>> >Of curiosity - wasn't there another who bred both Morgans and Saddlebreds in MA that also got
>> >into trouble a few years back? I had heard something about him putting his Morgan stallion
>> >down so that it would not be blood tested, and that there was trouble with the Morgan
>> >registry about crossbreeding, but I never heard any more about it.
>> I've never heard anything about such.
> I don't remember the details, but some woman was prosecuted for showing, and
>selling (?) registered Morgans that turned out not to be purebred.

Yes. This was the case that I mentioned earlier in the thread. ONE
breeder. She lived not in MA, but in NH. A woman, not a man. Anything
else anyone may have heard would be rumour. IOW, not substantiated in
a court of law.
> I do remember that there was a lot of rumor and speculation going
>around about that time because some of the Morgans who were being shown in
>saddleseat classes seemed to be very large, and very coarse-headed compared
>to the Morgans people were used to seeing. AFAIK, that one breeder was the
>only one who was actually convicted, but the Morgan 'ty"

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