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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 4
From: Rachel (
Subject: Morgans as a sport horse?? Read on!!!
View: Complete Thread (15 articles)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 2003-01-03 10:19:17 PST

This is long, so take your time. :-) Do you want me to give you any
more information??? Do you want pics??? I will send them to your email

Known for its power, elegance and ability to go from collected,
precise movements to fully extended gaits,
the modern dressage horse must have the athletic abilities
associated with human ballet. While most modern dressage
stars are European horses bred specifically for these demands,
the Morgan is proving itself just as capable.

In 1994, the palomino gelding Triple S High Noon
was 15th in the nation at Third Level dressage,
besting 795 competitors from all breeds. Likewise,
the stallion Em-Jac's Tenacity was 20th in the highly
competitive First Level, against 1,831 competitors.

In 1995, Deborah Dougherty of Washington state
confirmed that Morgans can go the distance,
when she earned her U.S. Dressage Federation (USDF) Gold Medal,
riding her home-trained Morgan gelding, Beckridge Patrex.
Dougherty was the 94th rider to earn this
distinction out of the USDF's 30,000 members,
and one of the few to achieve it on an American-bred horse. from this follows:

Morgan versatility is widely recognized. The breed's soundness, power
and stamina make it the choice of many driving enthusiasts.

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