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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "
Search Result 7
From: Jim & Laura Behning (
Subject: Re: morgans?
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 2001-01-03 10:57:35 PST (Karen) wrote:

>Can anyone who owns/rides morgans tell me something about them. or
>direct me to a good informative website.

Probably the best website, with MANY links, is the AMHA's at

>Ive only encountered one morgan a few years ago. He was a cute thing.
>Not real big, maybe 14.3 to 15h. liver color. He was kinda fine built.
>But, had the sweetest attitude and personality, calm, quiet, seemed to
>be relatively intelligent. He was at a sale barn that I worked at for
>years. I didnt get to do a whole lot of messing with him because the
>first people that came in looking for something the family could
>enjoy, he was sold.

Mine sound like this horse, although they are not the finer built
types. More stocky, 'old type', although there are two I wish had more
leg bone.

>Ive always had quarter horses, I like their looks and personality.
>The one morgan I met had a similar attitude.
>yes, I know in every breed there are exceptions and thousands of
>stories of psycho horses.

Yes, there are indeed 'hot' horses in every breed. With Morgans, it
depends on their bloodlines and past training. A Morgan bred and
trained for park or English Pleasure is often a bit of a handful for
the average amateur. A Morgan bred for sport use or western pleasure

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