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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "From: Ruth Vale (
Subject: Lippitts: Was Re: Do Morgans come in grey?
This is the only article in this thread
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1993-05-15 09:25:42 PST

In article <1sug22$> (Karin L Tracy) writes:
>to disappear since they are not breeding stock. Lippitts are NOT a breed!
>They are a bloodline, like government, Brunk, Nocturne, etc. They
>trace back to old Vermont lines, and do not have the so-called

A fanatic Lippitt breeder would disagree with you - but I'm not
a fanatic. I'm simply reporting what I was told by Lippitt breeders.
Morgan owners of other bloodlines will disagree of course. Ken
Telford in particular has gone to great lengths to determine which
bloodlines are 'pure' Lippitt.

>Saddlebred blood which some of the original govt. breeding program
>mares (Mrs. Culvers had 'Kentucky' blood) had. One sire recognized as

Mrs. Culvers was a saddlebred, according to Ken Telford's study 'The
Origins of the Modern Morgan' (p. 189). He blames the Government (UVM)
for the 'destruction of Morgan type'.

He states:

Of the 543 foals produced and registered as Morgans by the Government
Farm, under a directive mandating the preservation of the Morgan horse -
no less than 301, or well over half were bred to sires who were either
registered Saddlebreds, or the sons of registered Saddlebreds or
Thoroughbreds or the grandsons of registered Saddlebreds or Throughbreds.
At the same time, of these same 543 foals"

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