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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "From: John D'Addamio (
Subject: Re: Morgans/Friesians
View: Complete Thread (5 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1994-02-02 11:47:31 PST

Erin said:
-There has been a long-lasting debate about the origin of the Morgan horse.
-Many breeders (not just world-renowned author and artist Jeanne Mellin) DO
-believe that the Morgan horse indeed descended from the Friesian. There has
-been reference to a 'Dutch Horse' being in/around the region during the time
-that Figure was sired. Jeanne Mellin might well have offhandedly referred to
-this in her book. Although I cannot for the life of me place my hands on my
-source for this information, but it did not come from Jeanne's book. Perhaps
-'Out of the Archives (TMH)' or some other source. I might add that Jeanne
-Mellin has done decades of research on Morgan horses, and I would not believe
-that she would base her suggestion on offhand knowledge. What solid support
-is there for the TB/Arabian source of Figure's parentage? About the same as
-for a Friesian, I believe.

True, Justin Morgan did on occassion refer to Figure as a 'Dutch Horse' but
no one of that era called him a Friesian. In fact, it was common to refer to
anything(not just horses) that came from New York as 'Dutch' because NY had
been a Dutch colony. Based on stallion ads, etc, it is believed that Figure
was sired by True Briton. True Briton is known to have been from NY. In the
common speech of the day, that made him a Dutch horse. He is also believed
to have been of imported stock.

There has been much argum"

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