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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Google Search: morgans

Google Search: morgans: "Search Result 40
From: (
Subject: History of the Lippett Morgans
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Newsgroups: rec.equestrian
Date: 1991-05-16 13:33:44 PST

Just to give a little more history of the Lippitt Morgan. Robert Lippitt
Knight in 1927 purchased the Green Mountain Stock Farm in Randolph, Vermont
(remember Randolph--that's where Justin Morgan brought his colt and is
buried in the Randoph Cemetery). Knight used two stallions and six mares,
all tracing back to the original Morgan as directly and as often as any
Morgans alive at that time.

Mr. Knight played a major role in saving the traditional Vermont Morgans
from extinction, as most breeders had by that time were outbreeding to
Saddlebreds, Thoroughbreds and other bloods in order to 'improve' the
Morgan breed.

The Lippitt Club, a group of owners and admirers of these old-style
Vermont Morgans, borrowed its name from Mr. Knight, who used 'Lippitt'
as his breeding prefix.

The Lippitt is unique, not only among Morgans, but among all breeds of
horses, because of the intense line breeding and inbreeding that have
kept it free of known outcrosses. All Lippitts trace back, on many lines,
the our 'cornerstone stallion', Peter's Ethan Allen II 406, bred by the
Peters family of Bradford, Vermont in 1877.

From the introduction in the show book of the 1989 Lipitt Country Show.
(THe 17th Annual one will be this coming August 24th & 25th at the Green
Mountain Horse Assoc.Grounds, South Woodstock, Vt.)


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